Dear Friends,

We are pleased to share with all of you about the recent and exciting development at St. Sahag. The Building Restoration Corporation, which is one of the most reputable construction companies in our State, started the work at St. Sahag. They are going to restore and address some of the critical areas of the exterior of our Church building that need repair and care. This restoration is absolutely essential for the preservation of our Church home.

We are grateful to our friends at the Building Restoration Corporation and especially to the President of the Corporation, Dale Zoerb who has generously offered his leadership, his resources, time and talent of his company to preserve and beautify our Church. Dale is a descendant of Kavoukjian Family that is one of the first Armenian families in Minnesota.
With the restoration and preservation of St. Sahag, Dale is honoring his Armenian heritage and his Armenian ancestors.
We are grateful to Dale and his team, stone workers Todd Pastorius and Steve LeBlanc for all their work at our Church.

We give thanks to the Lord for this amazing blessing upon our Church and ask the Lord to bless the workers, to bless Dale and his family granting them good health and happiness of life.


Fr. Tadeos