Virtual fellowship hour
Dear St. Sahag Family, Krisdos Haryav i merelots! Christ is Risen! Blessed is His Resurrection! We miss seeing each other these past few weeks, so we invite you and your family to join us for…
Dear St. Sahag Family, Krisdos Haryav i merelots! Christ is Risen! Blessed is His Resurrection! We miss seeing each other these past few weeks, so we invite you and your family to join us for…
DRIVE-BY EASTER BLESSING SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 5-6PM Since we are not able to come together & celebrate Easter at Church as a community, we invite you to drive by on Howell street between 5-6PM on…
iFaith Zoom Meeting April 12, Noon-1PM We invite our youth & young adults to join us for our monthly iFaith discussion via zoom. Here is the link to join: iFaith is a youth ministry of our church; conversations on…
PALM SUNDAY LIVESTREAM SERVICE Sunday, April 5, 10AM Join us for Palm Sunday Prayer Service through Facebook livestream on Sunday, April 5, 10AM.
PRAYER SERVICE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 10AM FACEBOOK LIVE STREAM We invite you to join us in a prayer for healing & comfort this Sunday, 10am via Facebook live stream. We are instructed by the Diocese that…
ARMENIANS IN JERUSALEM The story of Armenian presence in Jerusalem SUNDAY, MARCH 8, FOLLOWING THE SERVICE Fr.TAD Talks are series of visual presentations by Fr. Tadeos on the heritage of Armenian people & Church.This Sunday…
THE UNTOLD STORY OF WOMEN BEFORE ST. GREGORY Fr.TAD Talks SUNDAY, MARCH 1, FOLLOWING THE SERVICE Fr.TAD Talks are series of visual presentations by Fr. Tadeos on the heritage of Armenian people & Church.This Sunday…
JOINT BIBLE STUDY Armenian, Coptic & Ethiopian Communities FORTH THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH Three Biblical Communities join to study the Holy Scriptures. It is a wonderful opportunity to come together as brothers and sisters who…
BLESSING CEREMONY OF NEW LITURGICAL ITEMS Sunday, February 23, Following Badarak Please join us on Sunday, February 23rd for a Blessing Ceremony on new Liturgical items: Lantern, Baptismal dove and Episcopal Staff. The items were made…
ARMENIAN BREAKFAST Basturma & Eggs Sunday, Feb. 23rd, 11:30 AM Proceeds will support Hye Camp Scholarships for our youth. RSVP at Tickets – $10, Kids under 10 – Free Donations are encouraged to support Hye…