Dear Community Member,
We invite you to be a Supporter or Sponsor for the Armenian Festival
We hope that you and your family are well, staying healthy & safe during these challenging times.
As you have been hearing of the cancellation and postponement of many of your favourite
summer festivals and gatherings, you were probably wondering whether the Armenain Festival is
going to be cancelled as well. We have good news!
While, understandably, we cannot hold the Armenian Festival this year in the usual manner
during the current ongoing pandemic, we still want to offer the cultural education and flavours of
the Armenian Festival in ways that are possible with the safety of all our friends & community in
mind. We are going to host the Armenian Festival To Go this year, so you can come and pick up
your favourite meals traditionally offered at our Armenian Festival from our Church backyard on
September 12th from 11am-4pm. Additionally we will be offering virtual presentations on the
Armenian heritage on Facebook.
As part of our efforts to cultivate ties with the local community and to preserve and share
Armenian culture, St. Sahag began holding an annual Armenian cultural festival in 2013. Local
interest in the festival continues to increase. In the last 5 years, we saw thousands of people visit
St. Sahag, as the community came together to share Armenian food, music, dance, language, and
As you can imagine, this year it is especially challenging to organize the Armenian Festival, but
we are committed to offer a special experience to you and your family. We can’t do it without the
help from all of you.
Over the years, many businesses and community members generously supported our cultural
festival through financial assistance and/or in-kind donations. We are grateful for your support
and sponsorship. All of our sponsors and supporters will be recognized in our festival brochure.
To donate online, click below: