We are excited to be able to safely & gradually reopen our Church according to the State and Diocesan guidelines for our community members to come together for worship & prayer.
As our Church & Diocese continue to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, we hold the physical and spiritual well being of our people as our highest priority.Here are some steps to consider:

According to our Governor’s order & our Diocesan Guidelines we are able to reopen our Church for Badarak at 25% capacity on Sunday, May 31.
We will start the service outside of the Church with Opening of the Doors Ceremony at 10am . on Sunday, May 31 & proceed inside for Badarak.
We are blessed to have a large Sanctuary to accommodate our parish attendance at this time.
If you are concerned about attending Badarak and you feel attending Badarak might put you or others at risk, please stay home. We will continue to livestream our Sunday Service on Facebook.
We ask you to keep social distancing & face mask wearing guidelines while attending the Badarak.
We will keep the door & windows of the Church open for maximum air circulation.
Kiss of Peace will be conducted with a distanced bowing of the head, and without the usual physical approach. Likewise, the collection plate will not be passed, but faithful will be invited to make their offerings in a special container designated for the purpose.
Holy Communion will only be partaken by the celebrant priest, on behalf of the faithful. Full Holy Communion of all the faithful will be restored in subsequent phases.
We will not distribute Badarak books at this time.
Special arrangements is set up for the candlelight to limit touching other candles.
We will not have Fellowship hour at this time.
Weather permitting we are considering outdoor Badarak Services in June
After May 31 parishioners may visit the Church for prayer during the week. Please contact Fr. Tadeos to schedule a visit.
We are reminded that perfect solutions do not exist for the unprecedented challenges that the pandemic presents to us as a Church and Diocese. Above all, we must protect the unity of our people in Jesus Christ, as the Body of Christ rooted in our love for one another, and for the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, from which nothing can separate us.Blessings,

Fr. Tadeos Barseghyan, Pastor
Parish Council of St. Sahag